Ankannokka - bowsprit

Veneessä oli keulassa ankkurirauta, jonka päälle rakennettiin saranoitu ankannokka rosterista ja tiikistä. Alkuperäiset ankkurirullat jätettiin paikalleen.

In our country quite many piers are high because the tradition is that boats are docked from bow. Bayliner did have the open bow rail option for European boats, but stepping over anchor support is not safe. You could slip and broke your leg with it… Bow sprit was installed on top of the support. There are hinges in it, so it is possible to use anchor if needed.

But we made a mistake during installation. When this anchor support was removed first and then after modification was placed back, we used same bolts and thru-hulls. These thru-hulls started to leak water, and the plywood underneath started to rotten. I have cutted the underside open, and repair needs to be done when outside temperatures in shipyard raises at spring well enough for glass fiber works.

Thru hulls for anchor support were not done well in factory at beginning. Large holes, filled with sealant, and bolts drilled thru that sealant. Proper way would be to apply epoxy for those larger holes and after that, drilling the hole again and use of course some sealant in between. This way core cannot absorb any water, because it is closed by epoxy.

Picture from inside the bow.
Suprisingly healthy looking marine grade plywood.

Ja näin sitä hommaa lähdettiin työstämään eteenpäin. And this is how it was taken care. I decided to replace this plate with fiberglass plate:

1. Original plate and larger plate on table was covered by aluminum folio (kitchen ware), then plates were screwed and tightened together.

2. Two layers of glass fiber and pollster resin was applied. Brush and roller were used.

3. Original plate was removed from mold next morning.

4. Even if there was leftovers from aluminum folio in mold, it was not enough and more folio was applied.

5. Many many layers of glass fiber was added with resin. I guess it took about 20 layers. Roller didn't work any more, so I needed try to remove air with brush head. Final picture will be added when I am able to visit next time in location of this garage and remove the plate from its mold.

Mistakes done and lessons learned so far:

- do not leave roller without thorough cleaning, since it doesn't roll next day…
- do not inhalate styrene vapours too much ! I was literally breathing out styrene about 12 hours after this work. My breath was stinking styrene, and I felt little bit sick.

Älä hengitä styreenihöyryjä ! Se on myrkkyä. Pitkällinen altistus voi aiheuttaa hengityslaman.

Sanding before laminating
Glueing was done with epoxy and fibers 


Topcoat, first layer

This practical lifesaver blowed fresh air during process

I have seen that this bow sprit has collected some viewers, from here you can see more details from this bow sprit. The bolt in middle and hinge bolts holds the platform steadily in place.

Aged teak

Middle nut
Not so shiny from downside...

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